The aspect of the training concerns different areas of activity of the Istituto Nazionale Tostiano but over the years the commitment on this front has grown considerably. For this reasons appear in this section the activities of professional updating both in music and in relation to the musical and cultural assets, and the activities of university and post-graduate internships.
Obviously the most important part is that one of vocal formation and chamber repertoire. That’s why remain memorable the activities of the early eighties carry on from the professor Maria Vittoria Romano who forged a group of illustrious performers from Abruzzo today celebrated all over the world.
Please note that the Institute is in agreement for internships with the following universities:
G. D’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara:
-Cultural Heritage Operator
-Letters. Linguistic philology and literary traditions
-Letters. Modern Philology
-Letters. Linguistic philology and literary traditions
-Letters. CdL Cultural Heritage – History of Art Path
-Modern letters
-Educational Sciences, Cultural Heritage and Tourism
-Cultural Heritage Management
Rome – Tor Vergata:
-Master Indexing paper, multimedia and electronic documents in a digital environment.
Finally, from 2016 also the school-work alternation activities are included in the section.

Tuesday July 16th, 2024

(Italiano) Da Pechino ad Ortona. Concerto finale della masterclass degli studenti di canto della Communication University of China. 26 luglio, ore 21

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Tuesday November 14th, 2023

(Italiano) Trame canore. Tosti in accademia. Pomeriggi musicali. Domenica 19 novembre 2023 Conservatorio Monopoli

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Tuesday November 7th, 2023

(Italiano) Trame canore. Tosti in accademia. Pomeriggi musicali. Domenica 12 novembre 2023 Conservatorio Campobasso

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Thursday November 2nd, 2023

(Italiano) Trame Canore. Tosti in accademia. Pomeriggi musicali. Conservatori di Campobasso, Monopoli, Venezia

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Wednesday November 16th, 2022

(Italiano) Trame Canore. Tosti in Accademia. Terzo appuntamento. Teatro Comunale, domenica 20 novembre

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Wednesday November 9th, 2022

(Italiano) Trame Canore. Tosti in Accademia. Secondo appuntamento. Teatro Comunale, domenica 13 novembre

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Tuesday July 19th, 2022

(Italiano) FESTIVAL SUONI D’ABRUZZO. Ortona 21-28 Luglio 2022

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Tuesday May 17th, 2022

(Italiano) ABRUZZO HARPSICHORD.Il clavicembalo in Abruzzo. Seconda Convention Regionale. Palazzo Corvo, 27 maggio ore 10-18

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Tuesday March 29th, 2022

(Italiano) Maurizio Torelli terrà al Conservatorio di Mantova un Corso di perfezionamento esecutivo sull’aria da camera in lingua italiana

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Tuesday November 23rd, 2021

(Italiano) Riparte la rassegna Trame Canore. Pomeriggi musicali dal 28 novembre al 12 dicembre

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Wednesday November 20th, 2019

(Italiano) ORTONA. Tosti in Accademia. Conservatorio “Lucio Campiani” di Mantova. Teatro Tosti 24 novembre

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Wednesday November 6th, 2019

(Italiano) ORTONA. Tosti in Accademia. Pomeriggi musicali 10 novembre 2019

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Thursday October 24th, 2019

(Italiano) ORTONA. Prossima attivazioni corsi di prassi di canto con il Conservatorio di Teramo

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Tuesday October 8th, 2019


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Monday October 7th, 2019

(Italiano) ORTONA. Giornate FAI d’autunno ad Ortona 12 – 13 ottobre 2019

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Wednesday October 2nd, 2019

(Italiano) MANTOVA. Giornate tostiane al Conservatorio “Campiani” di Mantova

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Friday September 20th, 2019

(Italiano) Concerto finale Masterclass allievi Bulgaria, Russia, Spagna 29 settembre Teatro Tosti

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Tuesday August 6th, 2019

(Italiano) ORTONA. Agosto tostiano 2019

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Monday July 15th, 2019

(Italiano) Festival Suoni d’Abruzzo 23 – 30 luglio patrocinato dall’Istituto Nazionale Tostiano

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Monday May 20th, 2019

(Italiano) ORTONA. Un Mondo di strumenti. La collezione dell’Istituto Nazionale Tostiano Programma degli incontri

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Monday May 20th, 2019

(Italiano) ORTONA. Convegno nazionale. La musica nel sistema educativo scolastico italiano stato dell’arte e proposte per un curricolo verticale.

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Monday April 1st, 2019

(Italiano) ORTONA. Settimana tostiana 8-13 aprile 2019

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Tuesday March 19th, 2019

(Italiano) ORTONA. Alternanza Scuola Lavoro con Liceo MIBE di Pescara

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Friday October 12th, 2018

(Italiano) ORTONA. Concerto finale Stage DaltroCanto

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